The "One" Gospel: A 61+ Biblical Reference Walkthrough

Welcome to the blog part of my biblical counselling toolkit! Feel free to Print This!, grab your Bible, a notebook, a pen, a highlighter, and explore the Gospel of God from Genesis to Revelation.
I encourage you to look up these verses for yourself, with your own Bible in hand, at your own pace of study, to get you into the pages of the wondrous Word of God. And as much as I love how we have the canon of scripture (and the many translations) at our fingertips on our devices, I'm gonna go all old school on you and say there isn't anything like having a Bible on your lap (not laptop), and hearing the pages, like fall leaves dancing on a breezy day, whirl as you turn to "his precious and very great promises" (2 Peter 1:4). However, for your convenience, I have linked each of the 60+ verses contained in this "One Gospel" walkthrough for your viewing pleasure to an online bible study app, The Bible Gateway. You are welcome! Alternatively, there is also The Bible Hub. (These apps among others are great tools when you want to see verses in different translations and various commentaries on them.)

TIP: What I have done in my Bible, which is a complete mess (in a good way), is to use a pink highlighter to highlight verses that contain the Gospel message. This way, when I come across a page of scripture, I can see where I've been before and where the Gospel pops up in amongst the other words on the pages. More on my highlighting methods in a future post!

What I want to accomplish, through this blog post that is accompanied by both Podcast and YouTube video (coming soon), is to walkthrough the Gospel in such a way that is simple yet theologically and doctrinally rich, backed up phrase by phrase by the Word of God. Every point could include multiple scripture references.

It is always best reference the context of all scripture to authenticate the meaning of a verse rather than take one verse and apply it to all of scripture. Perhaps you can think of better examples of a verse for any given point. If so, please mention your verse in the comment section below! I'd love to hear from you.

The Gospel has been written about and presented by great expositors, scholars, theologians, preachers, evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and lay people for centuries. It has been said that it will take an eternity to reach the depths of the truths, mysteries, and wonders contained in the Gospel of God. So if you think that the Good News of Jesus Christ, The Gospel of God, or the Biblical Gospel can be contained or condensed in any way shape or form, you haven't quite dipped your toe into the water! "Oh the depths of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutible his ways!" (Romans 11:33).

I pray you will experience the life-changing, soul-quenching, mind-renewing truths contained in these passages, and that this walkthrough will draw you a little deeper into the wonders of the Word of God, wet your appetite for more, and give you an increased desire to know God. If you profess to know God, I pray you would know Him more. If you do not yet know God, I pray His Saving Grace would wash over you by the reading of His Word, and through the power of the Gospel of God! (1 Corinthians 1:18).

So let's dive in! Here's a video version of this post if you'd rather listen and/or follow along.

One God. Uncreated. John 1:1-3
One Man. Created. Genesis 2:18
One Law. Broken. Romans 5:12
One Sin. Separated. Romans 3:23
One Consequence. Death. Romans 6:23
One Heart. Defiled. Mark 7:20
One Holy. Demanded. Psalm 5:4-6
One Judgement. Fixed. Acts 17:31
One Plan. Salvation. Acts 4:12
One God-Man. Son. Romans 5:17
One Mission. Reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5:18
One Conception. Immaculate. Luke 1:35
One Birth. Christ the Lord. Luke 2:10
One Life. Sinless. 1 Peter 1:19
One Holy. Denied. Acts 3:14
One Ministry. Jesus. Matthew 17:5
One Seeker. Son of Man. Luke 19:10
One Righteous. Righteous One. Acts 7:52
One Message. Mark 1:14 & 15
The Way. Narrow. Matthew 7:14 The Truth. A Person. John 14:6
The Life. Christ. John 14:6
One Cross. Raised. John 12:32-33
One Body. Crushed. Isaiah 53:10
One Death. Horrific. Philippians 2:8
One Veil. Torn. Matthew 27:51
One Offering. Perfect. John 1:29 & 36
One Sacrifice. Sufficient. Hebrews 10:11-12
One Propitiation. Satisfied. Romans 3:25
One Resurrection. Proclaimed. John 11:25
One Ascension. Witnessed. Mark 16:19
One Purification. Enthroned. Hebrews 1:3b
One Chosen. Foreknown. Romans 8:29
One Revelation. Synergistic. Luke 10:22
One Appointed. Called. John 15:16 One Sinner. Predestined. Romans 8:29a
One Salvation. Grace. Ephesians 2:8a
One Faith. Gifted. Ephesians 2:8b
One Belief. Confessed. Acts 20:21b
One Repentance. Judicial. 1 John 1:7
One Regeneration. Spirit. Titus 3:5
One Soul. Forgiven. 1 John 1:9
One Heart. Regenerated. Ezekiel 36:26
One Righteousness. Counted. Romans 4:20-22
One Justification. Declared. Romans 3:22
One Work. Finished. John 19:30
One Boast. Christ. Galatian 6:14
One Adoption. Official. Romans 7:15
One Baptism. With. Romans 6:4
One Testimony. God's. Acts 20:24
One Counsel. God’s. Acts 20:27
One Direction. God’s. Luke 9:62
One Sanctification. Progressive. Romans 6:19
One Spirit. Filling. Romans 15:13
One Glorification. Assured. Romans 8:30
One Mission. Commissioned. Matthew 28:18-20
One Purpose. Glory. 1 Corinthians 10:31
One Path. Fullness of Joy! Psalm 16:11
One Hope. Living. 1 Peter 1:3
One Future. Eternal. Romans 6:23b
One Gospel. I AM. Revelation 22:13

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